+420 606 300 606

Apple iPhone 8 64GB €480/iPhone 8 Plus 64GB..€570/iPhone 7 32GB..€340 Oblíbené

Welcome to the world of electronics gadgets, we are registered company located in the United Kingdom and South Africa, we are here to serve you will be good and high quality products is still at a very competitive price

These mobile phones are 100% unopened and new and in its original packaging. The iPhones in the picture is the exact phone you will receive.

Order the new iPhone 8

Immediate shipping available !!!

Available in silver, gray and gold, unlocked.

Shipping by special delivery, included in the cost.

Immediate payment required

Order now and receive the package within 3 days,Delivery takes 3 days to your address through the courier service FedEx Express or DHL.

(Contact e-mail: eurostoremobile@gmail.com

(WHATSAPP) +27604484153

Here is a list of prices below.

Apple iPhone 8 & 8 Plus

Apple iPhone 8 64GB...480 €

Apple iPhone 8 256GB....550 €

Apple iPhone 8 Plus 64GB...570€

Apple iPhone 8 Plus 256GB....620 €

Apple iPhone 7 32GB... 340 €
Apple iPhone 7 128GB ... 380 €
Apple iPhone 7 256GB... 420 €

Apple iPhone 7 Plus
Apple iPhone 7 Plus 32GB.... 370 €
Apple iPhone 7 Plus 128 GB.. 420 €
Apple iPhone 7 Plus 256 GB ... 490 €

Apple iPhone 6S
Apple iPhone 6S 16GB ... 270 €
Apple iPhone 6s 64gb ..... 290 €
Apple iPhone 6s de 128 GB ...... 310 €

Apple iPhone 6s Plus 16gb ...... 290 €
Apple iPhone 6s Plus 64gb ...... 310 €
Apple iPhone 6s Plus 128gb .... 330 €

Apple iPhone 6 Plus
Apple iPhone 6 Plus 16gb ......... 220 €

Apple iPhone 6 Plus 64gb ......... 240 €

Apple iPhone 6 Plus 128gb ......... 260 €


Tablet Apple iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular 128GB - Gold...320 €

Apple iPad 32GB Wi-Fi....200 €

Apple iPad mini 4 128GB Wi-Fi.....250 €

Tablet Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 32GB...220 €

Apple IPAD PRO 12.9" 32GB -....340 €

Apple IPAD Pro 128gb Wi-Fi + 4g.....370 €


Samsung Galaxy Note 8 64GB...550 €

Samsung Galaxy S8 + Plus 64GB .... 480 €

Samsung Galaxy S8- 64GB - ... 400 €

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge 32Gb ..... 340 €

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge 64Gb ..... 370 €

Samsung Galaxy S6 + Edge 32gb .... € 300

Samsung Galaxy S6 + Edge 64gb .... € 320

HTC 10 32GB 4G LTE ... € 320

HTC One M9 + ... € 290

Interested buyer should contact the following:

e-mail: eurostoremobile@gmail.com

(WHATSAPP) +27604484153


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    United Kingdom/South Africa, United Kingdom/South Africa, 10000
  • Telefon
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  • Cena
    10 300 Kč
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